What's in a name?

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London, United Kingdom
I speak, I listen, I read, I write, I act, I play, I debate, I discuss, I fool, I smile and I sulk.

Saturday 10 October 2009

20 Questions

I thought about how I could introduce myself on this blog, when I realised that most readers will probably know who I am, anyway. Furthermore, it's unlikely this will become some widely-read and popular blog. After all, I'm hardly an influential, intelligent, powerful or funny person. Oh, hang on... (naughty, I know, but what do I care? You've got to be able to take some of your own medicine, I say). It occurred to me I could do it the lazy way and answer a whole load of personal questions taken from some internet lists. This way, people who have read me before learn something new, and those who don't know get shoved in at the deep end (innuendo alert).

Anyway, on with the stupid quiz...

Where do you see yourself 5 years from now?
On a stage, or in South America.

Do you feel you had a happy childhood?
No. Where's Dr Freud?

Were you deprived or abused in any way as a child?
Does Organised Religion count?

How do you feel about your mother?
She's dead to me.

How do you feel about your father?

Do you still talk to any of your childhood friends?
I didn't have very many friends until I was about 13. Those I did have are all wasters, now. I recently discovered that one of them is in prison for dealing heroin. I didn't know him when he got arrested, I'll stress.

How many close friends do you have?

Do you like to gossip?
Does the Earth orbit the Sun?

How do you feel about church and religion?
See above.

What are your political views?
Ideologically, I'm staunchly on the Left, and not afraid to admit so. However, there is no political party which really represents my views - for the sake of exercising my right to vote, I go with Labour. Proper Labour, though.

How do you feel about children?
I hate them. Unless they're mine, in which case I would probably think they are the best thing in the world ever. Which is partly why I'll never have them.

What do you like to do on weekends and/or in your spare time?
Spare time? What's that?

What's the first thing you notice in a person of the opposite sex?
That she isn't a person of the same sex...

What do you appreciate most about your life?
That I still have it.

What are the 5 important things you would include in your things-to-do list?
Travel; Learn more languages; that's about it, really - I gave up on being Superman and creating World Peace a while ago.

Why do you think anybody would get into a relationship with you?
Who said I think anybody would be in a relationship with me? In fact, who said I want to be in a relationship?

Do you like having children around you?
Yeah, when they're heavily sedated. Or in cages.

When it comes to career, what do you think would be an ideal job for you?
Dramatic Actor - preferrably in theatre.

If you were to win £10 million, what would you do with all that money?
Save a bit, spend a lot, give the rest away.

If you were to get an opportunity to live anywhere in the world, which part of the world would you choose?
I've already lived there.

Happy, now?


    Unknown said...

    Organized religion does count as abuse...

    Stupendous Tremendous said...

    omg i nearly died when i found out u had a whole new blog! i love it! not so much the layout, but its fine. and the quiz was great.

    TheatreMad87 said...

    TG-K - OK then. More on that, later.

    Stupendous - Glad you like it. The layout is at a very experimental stage, and suggestions are welcome!

    KAOS said...

    The layout's clean and simple, that's a good thing. The content does all the talking here.

    Good answers, excellent spelling et cetera. However, must do better. Young Sanya, I fear, has an attitude problem.

    Nothing a good spanking wouldn't cure.

    TheatreMad87 said...

    Garçon - Stupendous was probably referring to the original layout, which I agree was horrid.

    As for your appraisal. Get stuffed. Or get stuffing; whichever you prefer.

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